  • Uda 2 kali beli album disini . Albumnya juga cepet sampe hihi,awalnya agak ragu sih. You know online shop kan ? ada yang trusted dan engga. Well, kalo ini udah kebukti trusted banget <3. Ga nyesel kalo beli disini, tunggu tabungan yee mau beli album lagi hoho :3
    • Ika, Surabaya
  • I got all my Bigbang albums and coll from here. Never late (sometimes faster than promised time), the packaging always nice and save for the product. GG is the only one online shop that I used. Thanks for your indirect support to me to be a VIP
    • Nana, Jakarta
  • Aku puas banget sama pelayanan disini karena responnya cepet, dan barang sampe di tempatku dalam waktu 2 hari dari tgl bayarnya! Trusted and recommended site chingudeul!!!
    • Yuni, Cirebon

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