  • Aku pertama kali beli album di sini. aku mulai beli disini sejak tahun 2010. terpercaya banget deh! :D
    • Amanda, Tangerang
  • Pertama kali beli album KPOP Super Junior M - Perfection disini.. Bener2 ga ngecewain deh.. Walopun kadang suka ga respon (mungkin ga mutu kali pertanyaannya ya? haha ^^). Tapi bener2 TERPERCAYA banget lah GGKG itu.. Ga akan pernah mau beli album di tempat lain.. Cuma disini!! Thank you GGKG!! Semangat terussss!!!
    • Regina, Bandung
  • I got all my Bigbang albums and coll from here. Never late (sometimes faster than promised time), the packaging always nice and save for the product. GG is the only one online shop that I used. Thanks for your indirect support to me to be a VIP
    • Nana, Jakarta

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